As a student at ASU, you become part of a select group invited to make this University home for a lifetime —wherever you go and whatever you become, your touchstone can be ASU. You will have opportunities to transform these special years of university experience into steppingstones to the future. You are invited to dream, to see the future’s open door and to begin the journey. You can take pride in your ASU and you can add to its legacy. Define your vision and start your journey today.

The ASU Legacy—Perseverance, Progress and Promise

ASU’s 147-year history is a legacy of perseverance, progress and promise. The ASU movement began with the impetus to establish a school for black Alabamians. The Civil War resulted not only at the end of slavery but also in the opportunity for blacks to have the right to an education. With the Northern victory, black Southerners, with the assistance of Northern white missionaries and the leaders of African-American churches, set out to establish educational institutions for the freedmen. ASU was born in that movement.

Blacks in the Black Belt of Alabama, the heart of the Confederacy, founded Lincoln Normal School at Marion in 1867. As a descendant of that school, ASU is one of the oldest institutions of higher education founded for black Americans. The men who comprised the Board of Trustees were Joey Pinch, Thomas Speed, Nickolas Dale, James Childs, Thomas Lee, John Freeman, Nathan Levert, David Harris and Alexander H. Curtis. Under the leadership of this group, the blacks of Marion raised $500 and purchased a suitable site on which a school building was constructed.

Until the new school was built, the American Missionary Association (AMA) leased a building, operated, and financed the school. In 1869, the AMA, with the support of $2,800 from the Freedmen’s Bureau of the federal government and support from the “colored people of Alabama,” raised $4,200 to construct a new building. In 1870, while the AMA provided the teachers, the legislature appropriated $486 for the school’s use. The state’s support increased to $1,250 the next year.

In 1871, Peyton Finley petitioned the legislature to establish a “university for colored people,” but his request was denied. He persisted, and in 1873, the Alabama Legislature established a “State Normal School and University for the Education of Colored Teachers and Students.” That act included the provision that Lincoln School’s assets would become part of the new school. The trustees agreed, and in 1874, the school's first president, George N. Card, led the effort in re-organizing Lincoln Normal School in Marion as America’s first state-supported liberal arts educational institution for blacks.

Black leaders continued to press for a more prominently supported school for black youths. In 1887 the state of Alabama authorized the establishment of the Alabama Colored People’s University. The land and building allocations were combined with pledges of $5,000 from black citizens who wanted the University in Montgomery. Thus, the University offered its first class in Montgomery in 1887.

Although University President William Paterson and others had overcome initial opposition to locating the school in Montgomery, opponents of state support of education for blacks remained hostile to the new University. Such opponents filed suit in state court and won a ruling 1887 from the Alabama Supreme Court that declared unconstitutional certain sections of the legislation that established the University for African-Americans. Thus, the school operated for two years solely on tuition fees, voluntary service and donations until, by act of the Legislature in 1889, the state resumed its support. The new law changed the name of the school from university to Normal School for Colored Students, thus skirting the Supreme Court’s finding and re-establishing the $7,500 state appropriation.

Despite having to face tremendous obstacles, the ASU family continued to make significant contributions to the history of the state and nation, especially with the involvement of students and employees in the Civil Rights Movement. The Montgomery Bus Boycott, the first direct action campaign of the modern Civil Rights Movement, awakened a new consciousness within the University and the community responded to the call for participants. Even though officials, in a state committed to segregation, retaliated against the school with a decrease in funding, ASU continued to persevere and flourish so that today, it is a model of diversity and equal opportunity for all. At the same time, ASU is a beacon in the legacy of black leadership and the preservation and celebration of African-American culture.

150 Years of Leadership

ASU is a direct descendent of Lincoln Normal School at Marion established in Perry County, Alabama, in 1867.

Although many people worked to establish Lincoln Normal School, Peyton Finley, the first elected black member of the State Board of Education, contributed most in the early years to make the institution permanent. Through his efforts and with the assistance of the institution’s first president, George N. Card, the school became a state-supported educational institution in 1874.

In 1887 the Legislature authorized the establishment of a university, allocated $10,000 for a land purchase and building construction, and set aside $7,500 annually for operating expenses. Montgomery citizens pledged $5,000 in cash and land and donated the use of some temporary buildings. Under the leadership of President William Paterson, the University opened in Montgomery at Beulah Baptist Church with a faculty of nine members. Eight months after the enabling legislation, the university taught its first class on October 3, 1887.

In 1889 was a pivotal year in the university’s development when $3,000 pledged to the state was given to authorities along with land for development of a permanent campus at the university’s current location between Decatur and Hall streets. The University erected Tullibody Hall the next year as its first permanent building. That building burned in 1904 and was rebuilt in 1906 as the university’s first brick structure, which also was named Tullibody Hall.

Paterson, who had guided the University through the early years, and who is generally considered the founder because of his 37 years of service, died in 1915. During the following decade, presidents John William Beverly and George Washington Trenholm organized the institution as a four-year teacher training high school and added a junior college department. In the early 1920s the University began operating on the four-quarter system and added the departments of home economics and commerce. This decade of growth and change also saw the purchase of additional land, including an 80-acre farm which constitutes the bulk of the University’s current holdings. The state also appropriated $50,000 for the construction of dormitories and dining facilities.

In 1925, G. W. Trenholm died and was succeeded by his 25-year-old son, Harper Councill Trenholm—who served as president for 37 years. He oversaw the change from a junior college to a full four-year institution, a process completed in 1928 which enabled the college to confer its first baccalaureate degree in teacher education in 1931. In 1940 Trenholm initiated a graduate degree program, and State Teachers College awarded its first master’s degree in 1943. The school also established branch campuses in Mobile and Birmingham.

Trenholm was eager for the institution to develop and gain recognition. Thus, he worked to improve the physical facilities in concert with advances in the quality of academic programs. During the economic expansion that followed the end of the Great Depression, the University constructed eight permanent brick buildings, a swimming pool and a stadium. To reflect changes in its programs, the Legislature authorized the institution to change its name to State Teachers College in 1929, Alabama State College for Negroes in 1948, and Alabama State College in 1954. In 1935 the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredited the college’s programs.

In 1962, after Trenholm’s illness an interim president, Levi Watkins, became president. In 1969, the State Board of Education, then the governing board of the college, approved a name change and the institution became Alabama State University. During these years, the university began a path of steady growth and development in its current role as a comprehensive University. In 1975, the Legislature established an independent board of trustees for the University.

In 1981, Robert Lee Randolph was appointed president, a position he held until 1983. During his tenure, Title III received its largest federal government funding. WVAS-FM was planned, construction began on the Tullibody Fine Arts Center, and the University Apartments were constructed.

After serving ten months as interim president, Leon Howard was appointed president in 1984, a position he held until 1991. During his presidency, ASU saw dramatic increases in student enrollment, an aggressive student retention program was started, and the social work program received national accreditation. The largest capital campaign, the Endowment for Excellence, raised $1.5 million. Two new dormitories were completed.

C.C. Baker, a 1954 alumnus, served as president from 1991 to 1994. During his tenure, the enrollment reached an all-time high of 5,600 students; programs were reaccredited; athletic programs flourished; the Olean Black Underwood Tennis Center and C. Johnson Dunn Tower were opened in January 1994; and the Acadome was dedicated in 1992.

When William H. Harris became president in 1994, his commitment was to transform ASU into a comprehensive regional university through excellence and diversity. Significant investments were made in technology, the student body became more diverse, and community outreach was emphasized through partnerships with K-12, civic and community organizations. The National Center for the Study of Civil Rights and African-American Culture, Business and Technology Center, and Center for Leadership and Public Policy were established. Degree programs in health information management and occupational therapy and graduate programs in accountancy and physical therapy were created. Improvements in the living and learning environment were made, including renovation to Paterson Hall and the $4.2 million restoration of historic George Lockhart Hall.

Dr. Joe A. Lee became president in 2001 and served until 2008. His vision focused on a student’s-first philosophy, which emphasized the development of a comprehensive student retention program, renovation/construction of a student union building, and completion of the John L. Buskey Health Sciences Center. Accreditation for the University and for academic programs was reaffirmed; and educational leadership, policy and law became the first doctoral degree program offered at ASU. A transitional doctorate in physical therapy was introduced, the University experienced a record enrollment, and the women’s basketball team earned national recognition.

In 2008 Dr. William Harris returned to ASU as president. His vision focused on transforming Alabama State University through excellence in teaching, research, service and a diverse population.

Dr. Joseph H. Silver Sr. was appointed president September 11, 2012. During his brief term, the University continued its path toward transformation. Dr. William H. Harris was called on again to lead the University in November of 2012. He served in that capacity for 13 months before returning to retirement.

Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd was selected by the Board of Trustees on December 20, 2013, to serve as the University’s first female president. A 1977 ASU graduate, Boyd returned to her alma mater, after a stellar 33-year career at Johns Hopkins University, with a vision of promoting the University as the “Land of Opportunity.”