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Categories of Admission
- Special (non-degree): This classification is assigned to students who would like to take advantage of graduate course offerings for purposes of personal enrichment or professional development (certification or recertification, for example), or those awaiting departmental evaluation. Candidates may take up to 12 semester hours, but no more than nine semester hours of approved course work taken in this category may be later applied to a degree program/Special non-degree students must satisfy all admission requirements before they can be reclassified to degree-seeking status. All non-degree students, including those pursuing certification or recertification, will be advised by the dean of The Murphy Graduate School.
- Regular: A regular student is one who has satisfied all Graduate School admission requirements but who has not been accepted as a degree candidate. Admission to Candidacy forms is available in The Murphy Graduate School. Admission to The Murphy Graduate School in any of the above categories is not a substitute for admission as a degree candidate in a specific college or school.