Purposes, Objectives, and Goals of the Department
The chief purpose of the Department of Music is to train students to become skilled music educators and professional’s musicians. The goals of the Department of Music are (1) to prepare students to become music professionals in their respective fields; (2) to provide music students with training of the highest caliber; (3) to provide all students of the university with opportunities to enrich themselves through music; and (4) to promote opportunities that enrich the university’s cultural life and foster community service and engagement. Guided by the specific measures for each major described in the National Association of Schools of Music and the goals described above, the Alabama State University Department of Music has the following objectives (1) to provide music students with the required training in music theory, aural skills, keyboard, music history and literature, music technology, sight reading, and performance skills according to their degree program requirements; (2) to provide students interested in teaching careers with the professional knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for success in the field; (3) to provide students with broad and diverse musical experiences that expand their artistic and intellectual horizons, and (4) to provide students and community with activities and events that will allow for opportunities to serve and engage.