
All declared art majors will be given an art adviser during their first semester enrolled. This adviser will help them select the proper classes throughout their college career. While declared art majors who are still in University College or college athletes will use the advisement center or their athletic advisor for official advisement, they should meet with the Department Chairperson or an Art Faculty member prior to finalizing their class schedule. The Art Faculty will be up to date on any changes that may not be published. Once your official file has been transferred to the art department, your art advisor will be your primary advisor. With limited space in some art classes, along with some classes being offered only once a semester, it is essential that students use early registration to secure enrollment in required classes. Students not able to enroll due to late enrollment, failing a class, withdrawing or missing a sequentially numbered class may delay their graduation.

REMEMBER, not all classes are offered every semester, and your art adviser will know the sequence of those classes. Please make sure you inform admissions and the advisement center during freshman orientation that you are an art major so they will assign you to someone who is aware of the current art curriculum. Also, contact the Art Department Chairperson. It is essentially the students’ responsibility to make sure they follow the guidelines set forth by the department and the university in order to graduate on time.