Withdrawal Charges and Refunds for Tuition During Summer Session
The following refund policies apply for students attending a summer term:
- Cancellation/withdrawal before classes begin; no tuition will be charged;
- Cancellation/withdrawal during the first week of classes; 20 percent will be charged/80 percent adjustment;
- Cancellation/withdrawal during the second week of classes; 40 percent will be charged/60 percent adjustment;
- Cancellation/withdrawal during the third or fourth week of classes; 60 percent will be charged/40 percent adjustment;
- Cancellation/withdrawal during or after the fifth week of classes; 100 percent will be charged/no adjustment.
Students who fail to redeem (pay) their promissory note by the third week of classes will be administratively withdrawn (dis-enrolled) from the university during the fourth week. Reinstatement is prohibited unless disenrollment occurred as the result of an administrative error.
Students are not permitted to remain in class and faculty members must ensure that students do not remain in class(es) or continue credit-generating work after their registration has been cancelled.