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Graduate Catalog
EDU - Education
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Purpose of the Bulletin
Institution Accreditations
Policy Statement
Board of Trustees
About the President
Programs of Study
The Vision for Graduate Education
Graduate Admissions Requirements
General University Information
Expenses and Financial Aid
Graduate School Policies and Procedures
The Graduate Council
The Graduate Faculty
Colleges and Programs
ACT - Accounting
APT - Applied Technology
BIO - Biology
BST - Biostatistics
CHE - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CMM - Communications
COU - Counseling
ECO - Economics
EDT - Technology
EDU - Education
EDU 500
EDU 504
EDU 505
EDU 511
EDU 512
EDU 513
EDU 515
EDU 527
EDU 531
EDU 534C
EDU 534E
EDU 534F
EDU 540
EDU 541
EDU 542
EDU 543
EDU 544
EDU 545
EDU 548
EDU 550
EDU 551
EDU 552
EDU 554
EDU 562
EDU 563
EDU 564
EDU 566
EDU 567
EDU 568
EDU 585
EDU 586
EDU 587
EDU 588
EDU 589
EDU 590
ENG - English
FIN - Finance
FRS - Forensic Science
GEO - Geography
HEA - Health Education
HIS - History
HSC - Health Sciences
ILP - Instructional Leadership Program
LEM - Library Education Media
MAT - Mathematics
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MPO - Prosthetics and Orthotics
MUS - Music
OTH - Occupational Therapy
PED - Physical Education
PTH - Physical Therapy
RCOU - Rehabilitation Counseling
REA - Reading
SED - Special Education
SOC - Sociology
SWK - Social Work
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EDU 500
Prep for Admission to Tep
EDU 504
Elem Sch Curriculum (Asu)
EDU 505
Curriculum in the Sec Sch
EDU 511
Stat Techn Rsrch & Evaluation
EDU 512
Educational Research
EDU 513
Prob Teach in Elem School
EDU 515
Instr Strategies in Sec
EDU 527
Human Dev and Behavior
EDU 531
Modern Issues in Educ
EDU 534C
Teaching Reading
EDU 534E
Early Chld, Ele Edu, & Co K-12
EDU 534F
EDU 540
Research in Early Chl Ed
EDU 541
Adv Educ Psychology
EDU 542
Math in the Elem Sch
EDU 543
Soc Studs Elem
EDU 544
Sem: Sci in Elem Sch
EDU 545
Teaching Lit for Children
EDU 548
Sem: Lang Arts in Elem
EDU 550
The Early Childhood Curr
EDU 551
Instr Strat for Child
EDU 552
The Theor of Play in Ece
EDU 554
Contrast Philo of Educ
EDU 562
Intern.In Ece
EDU 563
Intern in Eed
EDU 564
Intern in Sec Ed
EDU 566
Intern N-12 Cert
EDU 567
Sem in Early Child Edu
EDU 568
Parent Involvement in Ec
EDU 585
Comm Skills for Educator
EDU 586
Classroom Mgt/Sec Teaching
EDU 587
Methods for Teach Eng Lang
EDU 588
Adv Methods of Teach Math
EDU 589
Methods for teaching Soc Sci
EDU 590
Methods for Teach Science