MPO 5100 Introduction to Prosthetics & Orthotics
Introduction to Prosthetics & Orthotics (3). This course provides an overview of the foundational concepts of the discipline, with the purpose of providing students with baseline knowledge upon which subsequent clinical courses can build. The course emphasizes the blueprint of an episode of care, as well as an understanding of the patient experience. Content includes professional identity, terminology, history, scope of practice, general patient evaluation, general device design, materials and properties, fabrication processes, general follow-up care, amputation and post-amputation protocol, and general insurance and coding principles. Students will be introduced to examples of clinical research and begin developing their abilities as critical consumers of research. Finally, students will begin developing fabrication lab skills that will be necessary throughout the remainder of the program experience.
Acceptance into the MSPO Program. This course is in the first semester of the MSPO curriculum.