Admission Standards
Beginning Freshman – Tier I
Applicants who have earned a diploma from any high school and who meet the requirements in the sliding scale below (or GED certificate) who demonstrate that they can benefit from and contribute to the University’s educational program and goals will be fully admitted to the University. Alabama State University is now test optional. See the table below to determine your placement level.
Applicants who do not meet regular admission requirements may be admitted to the University’s Tier II or Tier III (Summer Bridge) if they fall within the category listed below. Students who do not meet Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III admissions will be denied.
Students who are initially denied admission may appeal to the Admissions Committee for reconsideration based upon special factors or circumstances that may be mitigated in a review process. Appeals should be forwarded to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. The director of Admission has limited discretion, under the authority of the president of the University to adjust admission requirements based on existing market trends.
Applicants who are seniors in high school are admitted with the understanding that requirements for admission to the university will be fulfilled during their senior year. These applicants must submit a final transcript which reflects completion of high school, with a standard, honors, or advanced diploma from their high school.