Early Childhood Education, Master of Education

33-36 Credit Hours

Teaching Field Specific Methods Courses: At least 1/3 of the program shall be teaching field course (18 Credit hours)

EDU 540Research in Early Chl Ed


EDU 550The Early Childhood Curr

EDU 551Instr Strat for Child

EDU 552The Theor of Play in Ece

EDU 567Sem in Early Child Edu

EDU 568Parent Involvement in Ec

Survey of Special Education Coursework (0-3 Credit hours) (Required if not previously completed)

SED 500The Exceptional Student

Additional Courses: (15 Credit hours)

EDU 511Stat Techn Rsrch & Evaluation

EDU 527Human Dev and Behavior


REA 561



REA 560Tech & Skills in Reading (Asu)


EDT 574Computer-Based Instr Technolog

SED 590Communications,Collab & Diver