Elementary Education, Master of Education (Alternative A)

55-58 Credit Hours

Teaching Field Specific Methods Courses (6 Credit hours)

EDU 504Elem Sch Curriculum (Asu)

EDU 550The Early Childhood Curr

Learner Development, Learner Differences and Learning Environments (6 Credit hours)

EDU 527Human Dev and Behavior

EDU 586Classroom Mgt/Sec Teaching


Professional Learning and Ethical Practices (3 Credit hours)

EDU 513Prob Teach in Elem School


Leadership and Collaboration (3 Credit hours)

SED 590Communications,Collab & Diver



Approved Diversity Course

Teaching Field: At least 1/3 of the program shall be teaching field courses (15 Credit hours)

EDU 542Math in the Elem Sch

EDU 543Soc Studs Elem

EDU 544Sem: Sci in Elem Sch

EDU 545Teaching Lit for Children

EDU 548Sem: Lang Arts in Elem

Survey of Special Education Coursework (0-3 credit hours) (Required if not previously completed)

SED 500The Exceptional Student

Additional Courses (7 Credit hours)

EDU 500Prep for Admission to Tep


EDT 574Computer-Based Instr Technolog

EDU 511Stat Techn Rsrch & Evaluation

Internship (9 Credit hours)

EDU 563Intern in Eed