Elementary Education, Master of Education

36-39 Credit Hours

Teaching Field: At least 1/3 of the program shall be teaching field course (18 Credit hours)

EDU 542Math in the Elem Sch

EDU 543Soc Studs Elem

EDU 544Sem: Sci in Elem Sch

EDU 545Teaching Lit for Children

EDU 548Sem: Lang Arts in Elem

REA 560Tech & Skills in Reading (Asu)

Survey of Special Education Coursework (0-3 credit hours) (Required if not previously completed)

SED 500The Exceptional Student

Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (3 Credit hours)

EDU 511Stat Techn Rsrch & Evaluation

Additional Courses: (15 Credit hours required)

EDU 504Elem Sch Curriculum (Asu)

EDT 574Computer-Based Instr Technolog

EDU 511Stat Techn Rsrch & Evaluation

EDU 531Modern Issues in Educ

EDU 527Human Dev and Behavior

EDU 541Adv Educ Psychology