
To receive proper credit for a course, the student must be officially registered for the course in the Office of Records and Registration, and the student’s name must be listed on the official class roster. A student who attends a class without official registration will not be permitted to remain in class and will not receive a grade for the course.

Any student who fails to comply with the official registration rules and regulations will not be allowed to petition for course credit.

It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the registration process. A late registration fee of $15 is added when registering after the first official day of classes.

Registration for graduate students is to be completed on-line. Registration procedures are detailed on the Alabama State University Website and course availability can be accessed through Hornetsweb ( Students may register on-line from any computer lab located on campus or from any off-campus locations. Students are required to attain advisement prior to registration and should contact The Murphy Graduate School prior to registration to ensure that all test requirements, etc. have been met that might prevent registration.

Unregistered students will not be allowed to remain in class if their names do not appear on the official class roster or if they do not have a class schedule at the end of the late registration period.

Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.