BS in Mechanical Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) program aligns with ASU's strategic goals to seize the opportunity for workforce development that links institutional strengths in science and technology and addresses the demand for mechanical engineers in the state, region, and nation. The target audience is students who aspire to utilize applications-oriented disciplines. The BSME program will advance the university, division, and college missions by preparing graduates to pursue professional careers in mechanical engineering. The proposed program endeavors to produce graduates who can apply engineering methods to problems in automobiles, aircraft, robotics, energy systems, control systems, and the environment.


1. Graduates will meet or exceed the expectations of employers of mechanical engineers.

2. Qualified graduates will pursue advanced study if they so desire.

3. Graduates will pursue leadership positions in their profession and/or communities.

4. Participate in continuous learning activities to advance their careers, goals and personal interests.