Declaring a Minor
An academic minor is a curricular component that enables a student to make an inquiry into a discipline or field of study, or to investigate a particular theme. It is organized around a specific set of competencies. A minor typically consists of a minimum of 15 credit hours.
1. A student must obtain a Declaration/Change of Major or Minor form from the Office of Records and Registration
2. The student must complete Section 1 of the form and obtain all signatures as required in Section 2.
3. The student must return the Declaration/Change of Major or Minor form to the Office of Records and Registration for processing
4. The student will be advised by the College of their minor
To Declare a Double Minor:
1. A student must obtain a Declaration/Change of Major form from the Office of Records and Registration
2. The student must complete Section 1 of the form and obtain all signatures as required in Section 2.
3. The student must return the Declaration/Change of Major or Minor form to the Office of Records and Registration for processing
4. The student will be advised by the College of their second minor
1. A student must obtain a Declaration/Change of Major form from the Office of Records and Registration
2. The student must complete Section 1 of the form and obtain all signatures as required in Section 2.
3. The student must return the Declaration/Change of Major or Minor form to the Office of Records and Registration for processing
4. The student will be advised by the College of their second minor